Tipping is available on all tiers, including Basic.
You can tip (gift) other people crypto tokens!
To prompt CrowdNinja to send a message containing information about tipping into your group:
Tipping requires you to have balance in your CrowdNinja Wallet. Please refer to the Wallet page for details on checking balance and making a deposit.
Find a message in chat of the user you wish to tip.
Reply to message:
Ensure the token name matches the supported token exactly.
The recipient will then receive the number of token units you've sent into their CrowdNinja Wallet.
If they did not already have a CrowdNinja wallet, one will be created automatically for them.
You can also send a personal message with any tip, the message is then shown on the bot's tip confirmation message. Sending a personal message is a simply as including it at the end of the command.
Coming soon